The Slice

What Are The Top 5 Social Activities for Remote Teams?

May 31, 2024

Discover how to create a strong sense of community among remote teams by engaging in these fun and interactive social activities that help bridge online gaps.

How do you keep a team connected when everyone feels like a username on a screen? I know the feeling of disconnection - especially now that many of us have swapped our office desks for dining tables. It's hard to create a sense of community among remote teams. But it's important.

Let's talk about five fun social activities that can really help bridge the gaps in online teams. The goal is to make sure everyone feels included and connected - even from afar!

First: The Do's and Don'ts of Social Activities at Work

Talking about the do's and don'ts of remote team social activities helps a ton in keeping everyone connected and in high spirits. I remember feeling pretty overwhelmed by all the planning details at first.

One strategy that really helped us was setting up "Do Not Disturb" times. This setup ensures that when we plan something fun, everyone is ready to jump in without work interruptions getting in the way.

Another useful tip I've found really useful is hiring a professional host for these events. It lets everyone relax and join in without stressing over the logistics. These hosts are amazing at keeping things lively and organized - which makes our virtual get-togethers something to look forward to.

Throwing in interactive tools has also been a big hit. Have you ever tried Kahoot or Jackbox during meetings? They add a fun competitive twist that works great as an icebreaker - then there's which creates a laid-back space for everyone to doodle and share some laughs. We've even turned our virtual meeting room into a game night or movie screening spot with RecRoom and it's been super popular.

Sharing personal photos has brought us closer together. Maybe trips to your favorite vacation spot, you enjoying your hobbies, or something else. It's a fun way to learn something about each of your team members, too.

We've tried out moderated conversations and hobby-specific groups to keep the talk lively. And who doesn't love a virtual watch party? It changes a regular evening into an event everyone looks forward to.

We've also had fun putting together a team bucket list and creating a collaborative playlist. These activities strengthen our connection through shared interests and goals.

But it's useful to note what hasn't worked. Overly complicated or super competitive tasks can feel a bit more scary than inviting. Even though virtual activities are great, we shouldn't forget the value of face-to-face gatherings when we can. Mixing online and in-person events can really help with team ties.

Getting a handle on these social nuances has a big change on our satisfaction at work and team morale. Being proactive and inventive with these activities has made our communication and collaboration way better, which makes our remote work environment a lot more unique and fun.

#1: Virtual Coffee Conversations

Virtual coffee conversations have become a great tool for teams working remotely - kind of like the informal coffee breaks we used to enjoy in the office. Personally, dedicating about 15 minutes each week to a coffee conversation on platforms like Zoom or Slack has really improved how our team connects. It's super easy to set up and somewhat restores the chance of run-ins we had at the office, all without needing to be in the same place or even spend money on coffee!

Here's how these conversations usually go: they're quick, lasting about 15-30 minutes, and occur in small groups or even just between two people. The focus is on chit-chat and bonding, not on work-related topics. This strategy really helps everyone feel like they are part of the team, even if they are miles apart. It's a lot like the old days of catching up over coffee, where conversations could range from the latest TV series you're watching to new hobbies everyone has started.

To keep things interesting, I sometimes introduce a theme or change the groups. One week, the talk might center on the books we're reading or the latest shows we've binge-watched. The following week, I might pair people randomly, which helps break up any cliques and leads to conversations between those who might not typically interact. This strategy is a cool way to make sure everyone feels included and has the opportunity to form new connections.

And let's not forget the benefits of integrating these casual coffee conversations into our remote schedule are big. From my experience they help with team morale and even help with productivity. People come away from these conversations feeling refreshed and valued which is reflected in improved work and smoother collaboration. It's a great way to remind everyone that even though the distance our team spirit remains strong.

Whether it's starting the week with a Monday morning coffee or taking a midweek pause - these moments are important for creating a closer and more involved team. It really makes a tremendous difference.

#2: Create a Virtual Pub Crawl

Organizing a Virtual Pub Crawl is a great way to help with social interaction among remote teams and make everyone feel involved - almost as if you're hanging out together in person. I set up Zoom's breakout rooms turning each one into a unique virtual "pub." Team members can hop from one room to another - communicating and enjoying a number of themed activities - just like they're on an actual pub crawl.

To start off, I created each breakout room with a different theme or activity. To give you an example, I've themed rooms after all sorts of parts of the world, complete with regional music trivia and even suggestions for regional drinks to help with the atmosphere. Imagine one room transporting you to Paris with French tunes and a virtual tour of the Louvre. Another brings you into a cozy British pub with Beatles music and an active pub quiz.

What's great about this setup is the number of choices available. Team members can choose to relax with live music - talk about deep conversations - or get competitive with pub trivia games. This freedom really improves engagement, giving something to everyone - no matter their latest mood or interests.

This strategy has really helped strengthen bonds within my teams, creating shared experiences and building a strong sense of community. Even the more reserved people find it easier to open up in smaller groups, maybe by leading a game or talking about the theme of their room.

I always strive to keep the event fresh and customized to different teams by encouraging everyone to pitch ideas for themes or activities. Many great ideas have come straight from team members, showing the wide number of interests and creative energy within our group.

Team members usually tell me how much they appreciate the effort that goes into these unique events and how connected they feel to their colleagues. These social activities break up the monotony of working from home, boosting team morale and unity.

#3: Organize a Virtual Team Scavenger Hunt

Organizing a virtual scavenger hunt is a great way to liven up the schedule for remote teams that need a fun, competitive break.

When setting one up, start by customizing the list of items or challenges to make sure they're something everyone can participate in from home. I want to keep the hunt around an hour - long enough to keep everyone involved yet short enough to prevent fatigue. It's a good idea to establish easy rules and a scoring system from the start so everyone is clear on what's expected.

For the platform - I usually trust Zoom or Google Meet because of their reliability and ease of use. Looking at specialized scavenger hunt apps is also a good idea. These apps come with useful features that simplify the game by tracking finds and managing submissions consistently.

When picking scavenger items, the number is important. Add both physical items and intellectual puzzles. This strategy keeps things welcoming and leads to creative thinking, which is a big plus in any team setting.

If you're hosting, your part is important. I usually find myself moderating. This means splitting players into teams, explaining the rules clearly, and keeping an eye on the clock. Facilitating communication between team members during the game improves the fun and creates teamwork.

Introducing prizes! From my experience, small incentives like gift cards or extra time off really help with participation. Recognition can uplift team morale.

At the end of the day, a well-organized virtual scavenger hunt disrupts the mundane, brings people together, and really adds a lot of fun. With these tips, you're ready to host an involved and memorable event for your team.

#4: Try Online Games With Team Members

So, getting your remote team involved in social activities can be a pretty fun challenge. I recently started online games as a popular way to build team spirit and inject a friendly competitive edge. These games are perfect for creating teamwork and launching some healthy competition among colleagues.

Let's talk about setting up these games for your remote team. Picking the right game is important. You need something accessible and easy for everyone to learn, regardless of their gaming experience. Words with Friends is a perfect choice because it's fun and brings a sense of comfort and familiarity. After picking a game, the next step is organizing when to play. It's important to make sure everyone can participate - sending out a quick poll to pick a time can be really helpful.

I want to share a quick story. At a previous job, we occasionally organized online Pictionary games on an online whiteboard. It was fascinating to see how different people interpreted the clues, which was fun and helped us understand each other's thought processes better.

The benefits of these gaming sessions are important: they help with communication unity and problem-solving skills within the team. Also these events have a relaxed way for team members to connect - breaking away from the typical formalities of the workplace and creating more personal relationships. You usually learn about hobbies and personal interests that don't normally surface during regular meetings allowing for deeper connections.

From organizing these gaming events, I've seen they always make us feel closer as a team and give us a refreshing break from our usual routines. Everyone tends to return feeling recharged and more motivated, which shows how an easy online gaming session can really help with team dynamics.

#5: Host a Virtual Campfire

Online escape rooms have become a popular way for remote teams to bond and address challenges together. If you haven't tried one with your team but I definitely recommend giving it a try. These virtual games are designed specifically for group engagement - which makes them perfect for some fun team-building.

Here's how it works: everyone on your team logs into a shared virtual space. Together, you solve puzzles and show new clues to "escape" the room. It's very similar to those real-life escape rooms, just without the physical locks and doors.

To give you an example take "The Grimm Escape" from Puzzle Break set in a fairy-tale-like virtual world. I've played this with my team and remember everyone absolutely loved it. We all felt more connected and rejuvenated by collaborating to conquer the game.

Trying out an online escape room can really mix things up. Teams usually experience noticeable improvements in their communication problem-solving and unity. It's a great way to break the everyday schedule and inject some excitement and teamwork into your group's schedule.

Have More Fun With Your Team

You know how important it is to keep your remote team feeling connected, right? It's super easy for people to start feeling a bit isolated when they're scattered across all sorts of places. I've found that setting up some entertaining social activities - like virtual coffee conversations, online trivia nights, or even an online campfire - really helps bridge the gap. It's just like when distant friends catch up online - it brings everyone a bit closer.

Wondering how to make these fun events happen quickly and easily? No need to stress. That's exactly what we at Pizzatime specialize in. If your team is craving a pizza party, excited for a virtual happy hour, or up for an escape room challenge, we have your back. We're experts at turning great ideas into fun, unforgettable experiences that strengthen team bonds.

So if you think your team could use help, why not give us a shout? We'd be thrilled to help you make some memorable moments that extend beyond work. Connect with us today and let's make some magic happen!

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