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Microsoft Teams Games: 18 Virtual Games to Try With Coworkers

January 27, 2023

Getting to know your coworkers when you work remotely can be a big challenge, but the benefits of doing so are huge. Building a relationship with the people on your team over time can make work more enjoyable, increase your efficiency, present you with new opportunities, and just be downright fun! One great way to spend time with your coworkers virtually is by playing games over Microsoft Teams. Let's look at eighteen of the best Microsoft Teams games that are guaranteed to provide a good time.

Getting to know your coworkers when you work remotely can be a big challenge, but the benefits of doing so are huge. Building a relationship with the people on your team over time can make work more enjoyable, increase your efficiency, present you with new opportunities, and just be downright fun!

One great way to spend time with your coworkers virtually is by playing games over Microsoft Teams.

Let's look at eighteen of the best Microsoft Teams games that are guaranteed to provide a good time.

1. Charades

Charades is an awesome game whether you play it in person or online. It is hilarious and a great way to blow off steam after a long day's work, and it's also one of the few popular Microsoft Team games where you can move your body around a bit.

Most people are probably familiar with the basics of charades, but the gist is that you'll want to assign a random word to each player when it's their turn, and they'll have to act it out without using any words.

In order to find your topics, you can use a random word generator online. The only issue with charades is that sometimes the words are so specific and out of left field that it can be difficult for team members to guess what is being acted out. You might consider creating themes for each round to make things a little straightforward.

2. Microsoft Teams Bingo

Who doesn't love this classic game of chance? You don't have to head to your local community center to engage in a rousing game of bingo anymore– you can play it with your coworkers right on Microsoft Teams.

This game became popular during the pandemic when people transitioned from office workers to remote workers. Simple, straightforward, and loved by all, this is a game that can be played during a meeting, as the squares all have remote-work-related prompts.

Playing bingo during a meeting might sound like a distraction, but it actually can help everyone be more engaged with what is being said because they're motivated to win.

Are you and your coworkers all music lovers? Consider trying our live, fully hosted radio bingo experience.

3. Microsoft Teams Trivia

Everyone loves a rousing game of trivia– after all, when else do you get to show off all of those little factoids you have piled in your brain without risking being called a know-it-all?

This is a really easy game to play remotely and can serve a number of functions– it can be a fun addition to a team happy hour, act as a team-building experience, or just give everyone a chance to de-stress, relax, and let their hair down.

One app extension that makes it super simple to play trivia in Microsoft Teams is Kahoot! Trivia. It even allows you to choose an already-made trivia game or create your own from scratch.

This is a game that can be played live or anachronistically. To play it live, the teams compete on a time limit. For a game that isn't bounded by time, teammates can simply answer specific questions by a deadline.

If you're looking for a more legit trivia experience, check out our live trivia games.

4. Escape Rooms

Just because you and your coworkers don't live near one another doesn't mean you can't have a great time figuring out how to break free from an escape room via riddles, puzzles, and challenges!

There are a number of different Microsoft Teams virtual escape room games out there to choose from, with different themes and levels of difficulty.

5. Never Have I Ever

You might remember playing this game at sleepovers in middle school, but we promise it's just as fun with your coworkers over Microsoft Teams.

You don't need any special extensions or tools to play this game.

To begin, every employee gets a turn saying, "never have I ever…" and then stating something that they've never done. All of your coworkers have ten fingers in the air, but they have to put one down if they have done this action.

Never have I ever is a classic game that pretty much always leaves everyone belly-laughing. This is a great addition to a happy hour, meeting, or after-work virtual hangout.

6. Scavenger Hunt

There are a bunch of great scavenger hunt games you can play with your coworkers over Microsoft Teams. To play a classic game, you can find a template online or create your own out of common household items. Everyone will then be tasked with grabbing as many of these types of items as they can before time is up.

A twist on the scavenger hunt game is to mix in some challenges or activities. For example, one of the items on the list could be a photo of the view from their window or a picture of their pet (extra points if it's sleeping!)

7. NickNack

NickNack is actually an app that you can use with Microsoft Teams to play more than thirty games.

If you and your coworkers are thinking about starting a regular game night or are intrigued by the additional features, like its water-cooler conversation, you might consider giving it a try.

8. Debate Club

Working from home has a lot of benefits, but one of the things that many people miss about the office is the few opportunities there are to chat with one another. At the same time, it can be kind of difficult to get a good conversation going from scratch when you only see each other through a screen.

Debate club is a really fun game that can totally change that. Everyday topics can be discussed during this game, along with over-the-top perspectives and over-exaggerated positions.

9. Microsoft Teams Pictionary

Do you have fond memories of playing Pictionary as a kid? Now you can tap into those nostalgic feelings and play a rousing game with your coworkers over Microsoft Teams.

To play, you'll want to break off into two separate teams. You can then use one of many free online word generators to select a random word and start the timer for sixty seconds.

One team member will be tasked with illustrating the word using Microsoft Team's whiteboard feature, and the rest of their team will have to try and guess the word. Every time a team guesses right within the allotted time, they get a point.

Now, it's time for the other team to give it a try.

You can keep playing for as long as you want, but usually, the game goes for at least five rounds. Make sure everyone gets a chance to create a masterpiece on the whiteboard and let the good times roll!

10. Emoji Self-Portrait

Are you and your coworkers looking for a fun way to get to know each other a little better? Emoji self-portrait is an awesome and creative game where everyone is tasked with creating a self-portrait of themselves only using emojis.

To play this game, you'll want to use the chat box and give everyone a chance to describe themselves using emoji images. Then, everyone can take a few minutes and talk about why they chose the emojis they did.

Breaking the ice when getting to know each other can be difficult, and composing funny and insightful emoji self-portraits can really help to get the ball rolling.

11. Fact or Fiction

You and your coworkers will have a blast playing Fact or Fiction over Microsoft Teams. Not only does it help you all get to know each other better, but it allows everyone to really get their creative and imaginative juices flowing.

To get started, each coworker will make two statements about themselves. One of these is a fact, and the other is pure fiction.

This is when the fun really starts. As everyone tries to guess which statement is true and which is a lie, the competition can get pretty heated. Not only do you get to learn about your team members, but you also get a glimpse into their more creative side through their fictional self-statement.

12. Microsoft Teams Family Feud

If you're looking to have a roaring good time with your teammates, another awesome option is Microsoft Teams Family Feud. You can play this game using the Survey Monkey add-on in order to gather information about your coworkers.

There are a lot of different questions you can ask your coworkers to use for questions in this game.

Here are some examples to get you going:

  • What item do you always forget to pack when you go on vacation?

  • What are your favorite pizza toppings?

  • What's the biggest virtual meeting faux pas? 

  • Name three movies with the word "red" in the title.

  • Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

This game is best when there is a large pool of people to collect data from. Even if you are just playing with a few coworkers, you might consider sending out the survey to a larger group of people in the company.

Have the group you're playing with during the game split into two teams. Then, each team will have to try and guess the top answers for each of the questions you came up with. You can have people send their answers in through the chat box, or they can say them out loud.

Each team will confer amongst themselves in a private chat room in order to pick their answer. A certain number of points are given for each correct response, with more points for the highest-ranking popular answers.

13. GIF Story Challenge

This is another fun, creative challenge for you and your coworkers. Using only GIF images, each team will have to tell a story via chat. This story could be an original or the storyline from a famous movie, book, TV show, or song.

Each team will have five minutes to come up with a strategy and choose the GIFs they want to use. Then, each team will have the opportunity to spin their yarn through the chat function. The other team will then have to try and guess what story is being told and will win a point if they do so.

14. Photo of Your Life

Short and sweet, this game is really just a chance for you and your coworkers to get to know each other better and share a bit about your lives.

All you have to do is ask everyone to bring a photo that they feel sums up their lives to your next social event or virtual get-together. You'll find that this is the perfect icebreaker and conversation starter!

15. Trello Truth or Dare

For some reason, middle school sleepover games seem to translate very nicely into fun games for remote teams! Truth or Dare is a game you can play using the Trello integration.

The first step is to install the app within the chat if you don't have it already. Next, you'll want to create a board just for this game and invite everyone playing to join.

One column on the board will be for truths, while the other is for dares.

Do you want to play the game live, in real-time? If so, you can have each of the columns pre-filled with cards. The labels of the cards will only read "Truth 1" or "Dare 1," and the description section will hold the command or the question. This way, players don't get to see what the question is until they have chosen their card.

This is also a game you can play anachronistically throughout the workweek. If you want to go this route, you'll assign cards to the players randomly. You can then take turns dolling out "dares" and truths to one another. Photo or video evidence will be required to prove the completion of a dare, while "truth" answers can show up in the chat section.

Of course, you'll want to keep this game work-friendly! There are plenty of PG questions and dares out there, so there's no reason to get the HR department worked up over it.

16. Guess Who

Another twist of a classic board game, Guess Who is a trivia game that is specific to you and your coworkers. You will need to do a little planning ahead if you want to play this with your team, as it requires you to come up with a list of trivia questions that apply to you and your coworkers.

Some example questions include:

  • Who has traveled to fifteen countries?

  • Which coworker speaks six different languages?

  • Which teammate has three dogs and a ferret?

  • Who was the employee of the month last month?

17. Wiki Kingdom Founders

You can draft and share notes with your teammates using the Wiki feature, which is pretty darn useful.

Beyond that, you can use the Wiki to create fictional countries or kingdoms in a fun, ongoing game!

18. Picture Prompt

This is a sweet way to get to know each other a little better and get a little creative at the same time.

In order to play, come up with a prompt and ask your coworkers to share a photo that serves as a response. These prompts could be things such as your favorite place, a peaceful moment, a chaotic moment, your best friend, your work-from-home office, etc.

If you want to play games with your coworkers that give you a chance to learn more about their non-work lives, this is a lovely little way to do so.

Do you want to turn your game night with coworkers into a night to remember? Let us throw you a remote pizza party!

The Pizzatime Blog

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